Travel Tips & Tricks: Hailing a Cab in Central America

Nervous to take a taxi in a Central America? I feel ya. Before leaving for Central America I read many blogs warning to stay away from taxis, that the drivers will lie and steal from you. Luckily this never happened to me and I found my taxi rides to be quiet informing and enjoyable. Bumping …

Nicaragua: How Much Did We Spend?

Nicaragua is an absolutely amazing country, from the moment I stepped off our bus and into the hustle and bustle of Rivas I fell in love. Whether it be the the music, food, history, or people I couldn’t get enough. Nicaragua quickly took a piece of my soul, enveloping me in it’s beautiful culture and …

UPDATE: Back to Reality

A month ago I returned from my adventures abroad and was promptly bitch slapped in the face by reality. By the fact that I was completely and utterly broke, actually beyond broke since I got a little too excited with my credit card, with no job in sight and my student loans looming. I fell …

Only in Central America Pt. 2: Things that Would Never Fly at Home

Hello lovelies! A few weeks ago I wrote a list of things that happen in Central America that would never fly at home (Part One). They are the quirky little things that make Central America well.. Central America. And with that really great, detailed description here is part two! Nicaragua When I first started driving …

Happy Thanksgiving! A Day Late..

I realize it’s a day late and I swear I was going to write this post yesterday buttt then I ate.. and had a few glasses of wine and then decided that a nap would be a better idea. So! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This is the first year that I spent Thanksgiving away from my …

Happy Halloween!: How I’m Celebrating Abroad

As many of you probably know I like LOVE Halloween. Months before October, Eli and I begin plotting what we will be. We try to think of awesome, unique costumes that will put to shame our costumes from the year before. I love setting aside a whole day to go to the pumpkin patch, feed the animals, drink …

10 Realities of Traveling with Your Significant Other

We’re halfway through our adventure through Central America, we still haven’t killed each other, I’ve discovered that there are certain realities that come with traveling with your significant other. Here are ten realities I’ve discovered while traveling with Eli. Privacy does not exist. You will hear, see, and smell things that you wish you could …

Puerto Viejo: Where my Wallet went to Die 

You know how I said Bocas del Toro is where my wallet went to die? I lied, Puerto Vieo holds that prize issuing the killing blow to an already sad and struggling budget. Though I cringed every time I had to go to the grocery store or every time we looked at a menu I …

Ballin’ on a Budget: Boquete

Boquete is a small town nestled in the mountains of the Chiriqui Province in Panama. With its landscape packed full of waterfalls and hikes, an active Volcano, and modest temperatures Boquete is an adventurer’s paradise. It was the perfect place for our wallets to take a break after our trip to Bocas. Getting to Boquete …