Travel Tips & Tricks: Hailing a Cab in Central America

Nervous to take a taxi in a Central America? I feel ya. Before leaving for Central America I read many blogs warning to stay away from taxis, that the drivers will lie and steal from you. Luckily this never happened to me and I found my taxi rides to be quiet informing and enjoyable. Bumping …

Nicaragua: How Much Did We Spend?

Nicaragua is an absolutely amazing country, from the moment I stepped off our bus and into the hustle and bustle of Rivas I fell in love. Whether it be the the music, food, history, or people I couldn’t get enough. Nicaragua quickly took a piece of my soul, enveloping me in it’s beautiful culture and …

Only in Central America Pt. 2: Things that Would Never Fly at Home

Hello lovelies! A few weeks ago I wrote a list of things that happen in Central America that would never fly at home (Part One). They are the quirky little things that make Central America well.. Central America. And with that really great, detailed description here is part two! Nicaragua When I first started driving …

Happy Thanksgiving! A Day Late..

I realize it’s a day late and I swear I was going to write this post yesterday buttt then I ate.. and had a few glasses of wine and then decided that a nap would be a better idea. So! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This is the first year that I spent Thanksgiving away from my …

Meet Me at the Mermaid Lagoon

The day we smeared bat poop on our faces, swam through a cave with only a candle to light our way, and swam in the turquoise waters of Semuc Champey while little fishies nibbled at our feet.

A Mom’s Relief Mission

As every fellow traveler knows when the parental units or unit join up on an adventure it’s like Christmas. Goodbye 22 people rooms with their everlasting cloud of mildew and hello luxury hotel! No more snoring bed neighbors and poop paper trash cans, oh no we are on the up and up people! About three …

Only in Central America Pt. 1: Things that would Never Fly at Home

After three and a half months of traveling through Central America I’ve seen and experienced a lot. I’ve immersed myself in different foods, cultures, and langauge. I’ve seen the similarities between countries and the extreme differences. I’ve found that there are a lot of quirky things that go on in Central America that would never …

The Blue Mountains of Nicaragua

After two months of sweltering heat and constant sweating Eli and I confirmed that if we were to stay in the heat any longer we would melt. So the four of us, Eli, Siobhan, Lamar, and I, decided to take a hiatus from the beaches and the sticky humidity and enjoy the fall weather in …

The 411 on Catching the Bus in Nicaragua

As in many Central American countries, in Nicaragua the main mode of transportation is by bus. Nicaragua has an excellent bus system: efficient, cheap, and quite the experience. Catching the bus in Nicaragua can seem chaotic and overwhelming with buses speeding to and from cities, bus lackeys hollering destinations while flagging people on, all the …